Airport partners sign Circular Economy Commitment

Today, skeyes has signed the Circular Economy Commitment, created within the Sustainable Transition Chair, an initiative of Antwerp Management School and the University of Antwerp. 5 leading companies of the airport community, Brussels Airport, Brussels Airlines, TUI, DHL Aviation and Aviapartner, have also signed and commit themselves to strictly applying the principles of the circular economy within their company and to taking concrete steps towards a sustainable transformation.
"Today, more than ever, we need to take action to make the way we work more sustainable. Research and innovation, as well as knowledge sharing and co-creation with all partners in the ecosystem will be crucial to develop a greener, sustainable aviation. This has been the ambition of Brussels Airport for many years and this crisis is a golden opportunity to accelerate the necessary changes together with all our airport partners. Today we are taking a first concrete step together by signing this Circular Economy Commitment so as to embed the circular economy principle in the way we work and think", says Arnaud Feist, CEO of Brussels Airport Company.
Johan Decuyper, skeyes CEO: “skeyes takes its commitment to help realise sustainable development goals on an economic, social and ecologic level quite to heart. Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is based on different pillars. One of the themes is waste management. At the beginning of this year we launched a new waste sorting programme and set ourselves clear goals to further reduce, sort and recycle waste. Joining the Circular Economy Leadership Group is for skeyes not only a logical next step in our circular thinking process but also an incentive to go even further. skeyes will keep taking initiatives regarding waste-, material- and energy streams. Taking this step together with some of our partners at Brussels Airport reinforces our view. Together we are working towards a more sustainable aviation sector.”
Peter Gerber, CEO of Brussels Airlines: "Air transport makes it possible for people to come together internationally, to share knowledge and to join forces. That is exactly what we want to achieve by signing this Circular Economy Commitment. We want to share our knowledge and experience to ensure a sustainable way of working for aviation and other sectors in Belgium. Brussels Airlines is part of a strong international group that makes sustainability a priority. Successful initiatives can therefore easily be shared with other companies within the Lufthansa Group and thus make a difference on an international scale."