Belgocontrol and ANA Lux strengthen cooperation

This morning Belgocontrol and ANA Lux signed a Memorandum of Understanding. In that way, the national air navigation service providers of Belgium and Luxembourg further develop their collaboration.

Currently Belgocontrol is already managing air traffic in a part of the Luxembourg airspace (between 14,500 and 24,500 feet) and there are other cooperation initiatives that exist between the two ANSPs. Some have been ongoing for some considerable time and other forms of operational cooperation have only been concluded recently. In order to harmonize all of those initiatives, Belgocontrol and ANA Lux decided to conclude an overarching cooperation agreement. Today both companies formally put that cooperation agreement on paper in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding.

In the agreement, various domains are summed up in which ANA Lux and Belgocontrol reinforce one another, such as Continuous Descent Operations (green landings), flight procedure design, meteorological services, safety, contingency, exchange of radar data, the joint representation on international fora,… The MoU is an agreement in principle; specific agreements per theme or domain establish the concrete undertakings.

In that way, Belgium and Luxembourg strengthen their historical cooperation. The commitment also complements the objectives of the Single European Sky, the cooperation agreement between all European air navigation service providers.

Johan Decuyper, Belgocontrol CEO: “An important element in the strategy of Belgocontrol is to conclude partnerships so as to further maintain our position in international aviation. Belgium and Luxembourg have a longstanding tradition of cooperation, which we wish to strengthen. This agreement makes Belgocontrol and ANA Lux strong players in a constantly evolving and increasingly competitive international sector.”
  • Picture: John Santurbano, Director ANA Lux and Belgocontrol CEO Johan Decuyper


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About skeyes

skeyes ensures the safety and efficiency of air traffic in Belgium 24/7. The skeyes air traffic controllers manage over 3,000 aircraft every day, which makes up over a million flight movements per year. The autonomous public company is active at the heart of Europe, in one of the busiest and most complex sections of airspace of the continent. skeyes is active at Brussels Airport and at the airports of Antwerp, Charleroi, Kortrijk, Liège and Ostend. Thanks to its CANAC 2 control centre skeyes manages the flight movements above Belgium and a part of Luxembourg up to an altitude of 7,500 metres (*). The company relies on its nearly 900 experienced staff members who are at the service of their customers: airline companies, airports, the aviation sector and the authorities. skeyes also develops innovating services regarding drones and contributes to a sustainable future of the aviation sector, among other things with respect to the environment.

skeyes is a member of FABEC, a joint airspace block (Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Switzerland) with the aim of improving air navigation efficiency in the heart of Europe in the framework of the Single European Sky.

(*) The upper airspace of the Benelux countries and North West Germany is managed jointly with the EUROCONTROL centre in Maastricht. 


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