Belgocontrol gathers all information regarding drones on
Belgocontrol and the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority of FPS Mobility and Transport (BCAA) have launched That digital platform aims to help drone users by offering information on drone use as well as an interactive airspace map to both professional and recreational drone users in Belgium. By this summer droneguide will also feature a mobile application. is an internet site for a wide audience, with the purpose to inform drone users. The site will be structured around a map and will clearly display all the areas where drones are authorized to fly and where they are not (temporarily or permanently). also offers general information and useful links. For developing the site, Belgocontrol and the BCAA have called upon Unifly, a young Belgian company that has grown to become the European leader in Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM).
Mobile app by this summer
By this summer droneguide will also be available as an application for smartphones and tablets. Thanks to its geolocation function, the users will be able to see if their drone can take off and under which conditions at a pinpoint location anywhere in Belgium. In addition to this interactive map, the app will boast a number of practical functionalities. For example, recreational drone pilots will be able to prepare their flight and have it validated via their smartphone or tablet.
In conclusion, a version of droneguide for professional users will be available by the end of this year. After they will have created an account, professional users can log in to manage their drones, their pilots and their flights and submit any request for exemption to the BCAA directly via their smartphone or tablet. The app will also offer a wide range of aeronautical information required for planning a flight.