Belgocontrol launches Droneguide app
As of now, drone users in Belgium have a handy tool to fly safely: the mobile application Droneguide of Belgocontrol and the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) is available for free in the App Store and on Google Play.

The smartphone and tablet app Droneguide aims to help drone users everywhere in Belgium. Thanks to its geolocation function, the users are able to see if their drone can take off and under which conditions. The app is free of charge, easy to use and very helpful.
>> Donwload the Droneguide app here <<
Droneguide is available in English, Dutch, French and German.
After registration on the platform users can enjoy nice additional features such as managing their own fleet of drones and automatically creating a logbook with all flights. When the ‘Fly Now’ button has been activated, the app also indicates whether other drones are active nearby and require the pilot’s attention.
An additional version of Droneguide will be available by the end of this year. Professional users will have the possibility to manage their drones, their pilots and their flights and submit any request for exemption to the BCAA directly via their smartphone or tablet. The app will also offer a wide range of aeronautical information required for planning a flight.
Belgocontrol already launched the digital platform in March. It offers information on drone use as well as an interactive airspace map to both professional and recreational drone users in Belgium.