Collaboration between skeyes and LVNL leads to higher flight efficiency

Today skeyes and LVNL (Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland) implement the “Sector 3”-project, which will improve the flight efficiency within busy airspaces over the Netherlands and Belgium.
The project started in early 2018. The operational objective was to reduce the high workload within Amsterdam ACC (Area Control Center), redirecting the flow of traffic overflying Belgium. To do so, LVNL intended to reconfigure Sector 3, thus, reorganizing the current arriving routes, South to North, that start over Belgium and corresponding traffic streams towards such airports as Amsterdam, Eindhoven and Rotterdam.
The traffic will from now on be handled in a more sustainable manner increasing the mutual capacity. The further improvement of the high level of flight efficiency also reduces emissions and so contribute to skeyes’ efforts in increasing performance of aviation in this domain.
COO Peggy Devestel: “In close collaboration with our Dutch colleagues of LVNL, sector 3 modifications in realigning the inbound flows for the major airports in The Netherlands were successfully achieved. The achievements will improve the overall efficiency and the collaboration between both countries.”