skeyes and Defense present joint action plan to the wind energy sector
Information session for wind energy companies
Steenokkerzeel, Belgium - On June 20, skeyes and Defence will present a joint initiative to the Belgian wind energy sector to expand wind energy development across more sites while ensuring airspace safety remains a top priority. This information session follows the Government's approval of the joint roadmap on 3 May, aimed at expanding renewable energy in our country with the goal of reaching an additional capacity of 1.5 gigawatts. This meeting with the sector will take place at the skeyes site in Steenokkerzeel.

Together with the industry, skeyes and Defence seek to expand the number of sites where wind turbines can be placed, taking into account air navigation system requirements and operational constraints, without compromising Defence training needs or flight safety. This involves striking a balance between air traffic safety and the development of new wind energy capacity. skeyes and Defence have consulted the wind energy industry to identify their key needs and have developed a common roadmap to minimise barriers to renewable energy deployment.