skeyes supports wind energy by expanding authorised sites for wind turbines

skeyes continues to invest to expand the number of locations where wind turbines can be built. The online map of authorised zones will be updated before the end of this year thanks to, among other things, the installation of Wind Farm Filters.
Together with the industry, skeyes is trying to increase the number of locations where wind turbines can be installed without compromising air traffic safety. The Wind Turbine Consultation Map indicates in which zones wind energy projects are compatible with skeyes' technical installations, operations and flight procedures. The map shows for each zone what further research is required.
The update mainly improves the use of the map. skeyes integrated it into a self-developed GIS tool, which makes it easier for building developers to incorporate the map into their own tools. The fact that the legend is adapted to the latest developments and made more comprehensible is an added advantage.
Wind Farm Filters
In the future, skeyes will work even more closely with the Ministry of Defence when evaluating requests for advice for wind turbines. The reason is the joint use of the radar infrastructure whereby Defence will be responsible for the non-cooperative radars (the so-called primary radars) and skeyes for the cooperative radars (the secondary radars).
A first step is the installation of Wind Farm Filters (WFF) on the existing primary radars of Ostend, Brussels and Florennes. These Wind Farm Filters reduce the effects of the wind turbines on the radars. The Wind Farm Filters in Brussels and Florennes are already installed. The radar in Ostend will be equipped before the end of the year.
Johan Decuyper, skeyes CEO: “In addition to its economic importance for the aviation sector, skeyes is also fully aware of its societal role. We are assuming that role through, among other things, our contribution to the development of the wind energy sector. We are investigating all possible ways of minimising the impact of wind turbines on our installations - and thus the impact on air traffic safety - in order to free up as much space as possible to install additional wind turbines.”