skeyes well on time in obtaining new certificate as air navigation service provider

As air navigation service provider to airports and airline companies, skeyes is subject to European regulation. The Belgian Supervisory Authority – Air Navigation Services (BSA-ANS) supervises whether skeyes complies with the European regulation. If that is the case, skeyes receives a certificate from the BSA-ANS as air navigation service provider.
The requirements and conditions for the certificate have recently been thoroughly modified by Europe. The amended regulation came into force on 2 January 2020.
In order to be re-certified, skeyes had to make sure that it complied with the amended provisions. In the past year skeyes and the BSA-ANS collaborated closely for that purpose. In an initial phase they reached an unambiguous interpretation of the new regulatory framework. Afterwards the BSA-ANS determined through extensive audits that skeyes had implemented the required substantive amendments and had thus satisfied the conditions.
Thanks to the open and constructive collaboration between both parties, skeyes was able to obtain its licence on 17 December already. That is a lot earlier than originally planned. It makes skeyes one of the first ANSPs in Europe to obtain that certificate. It comes into force on 2 January 2020 and shall remain so indefinitely, as long as no major non-compliances are established.