Entry Point North Belgium welcomes its first students
On 3 September Entry Point North Belgium welcomed its first students in Brussels. The first day has started with training courses for 20 air traffic controllers of Belgocontrol and will be followed by various other courses for air traffic controllers, engineers and technicians in the upcoming weeks.

Through the newly established academy, the Belgian air navigation service provider Belgocontrol will continue to provide its staff with high quality training and will also offer a wide range of training and services to external partners in the future.
The training site Entry Point North Belgium is located in Steenokkerzeel/Brussels and equipped with new state-of-the-art simulators: 50 radar/pilot positions, five 180° and one 360° Tower 3D simulator. It will deliver Initial, Unit, Continuation and Development training for ab-initio and operational air traffic controllers in Belgium. In addition, it will offer Technical Engineering, Safety, Aeronautical Information, Meteorology and other courses in accordance with the training needs of Belgocontrol and other customers. The training will be based on Entry Point North’s training philosophy and methodology and will be delivered in cooperation with Belgocontrol staff.
Joint venture
Entry Point North Belgium is a joint venture, equally owned by Belgocontrol and Entry Point North. Through this far-reaching collaboration, both organisations establish a strong foothold in the Single European Sky of tomorrow.
Johan Decuyper, Belgocontrol CEO: “Today is a special day for Belgocontrol, since we launch the first joint venture in the history of our company. Entry Point North Belgium allows us to offer high quality training to our staff on our own site. Thanks to the partnership between Entry Point North and Belgocontrol we can position ourselves on the international training market and let external partners benefit from our expertise by offering outstanding trainings in our modern facilities located in Brussels, at the heart of Europe.”
Anne Kathrine Jensen, Entry Point North CEO: “Today we are happy to open another academy located in central Europe in cooperation with our partner Belgocontrol. We are looking forward to delivering high quality training based on our well-proven training methods and philosophy in Brussels. Entry Point North sees this Joint Venture as a significant step in our continuous growth globally contributing to increased safety in the sky.”
Background information
About Belgocontrol
Belgocontrol is an autonomous public company with the mission to guarantee the safety of air navigation in Belgium. Its zone of activities extends from ground level (at Brussels Airport and the airports of Antwerp, Charleroi, Kortrijk, Liege and Ostend) to flight level 245 (8,000 metres). Read more.
About Entry Point North
Entry Point North is one of the largest global ATS academies. The premier training solutions are carried out in accordance with best practice and international rules, regulations and standards including ICAO and European Commission. Training is delivered at modern facilities in Sweden, Ireland, Hungary, Denmark, Spain, Belgium and at client sites. Read more.