skeyes and ANA Lux make Luxembourg Airport more environmentally friendly

After a close collaboration between skeyes and Luxembourg air traffic controller ANA Lux to implement Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) or green landings at Luxembourg airport, a new step in this partnership was taken. From now on, skeyes will deliver the CDO statistics to ANA Lux to support monitoring and future improvements. Both parties signed an agreement to this end today.
skeyes manages air traffic control in certain parts of the Luxembourg airspace. Whenever possible, CDO’s or green landings are executed, whereby airplanes use less fuel and make less noise because they land in a continuous descending line instead of in stages.
After a long testing period, skeyes commits to weekly provide data about green landings to ANA Lux, which will be informed on e.g. the aircraft, the runway used for landing and whether or not CDO procedures were followed.
Johan Decuyper, CEO skeyes: “We have been applying and monitoring CDOs in Belgium for a long time already and now we share our know-how with ANA Lux. The data we will provide will allow them to verify if the execution of green landings can be optimised or extended. Just like us, ANA Lux is constantly searching for environmentally friendly measures to be integrated in their operations.”